The Evanne: Swirling Secret Beauty

By |2017-09-21T18:41:47-07:00September 5th, 2017|art, Beach Jewlery, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, team betty, Uncategorized, Ventura, water jewelry, women|

Inside the seemingly drab shell of an abalone lies hidden beauty like nothing else in the sea. A notorious ocean prize, abalone shell is treasured for its secret watery world within– and the reason why our own Betty shop babe, Evanne, loves it so much. […]

Betty Cause Days: Hurricane Harvey Rescue

By |2017-09-07T18:24:24-07:00August 31st, 2017|active lifestyle, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, events, fundraising, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, philantrophy, small business, team betty, transparency and ethics, travel, women, women's surfing|

Imagine that the world around you drowned. Your possessions, home, property, neighborhood, your whole town– under cold, dark water.

This is the devastating reality for those who’ve suffered and survived Hurricane Harvey that hit Texas this past week.

The powerful storm swept away the lives of thousands […]

Betty On Surfari: Cayden Edman Treks to Baja California

By |2017-08-24T20:18:06-07:00August 24th, 2017|active lifestyle, Beach Jewlery, beauty, connectedness, fashion, gratitude, healthy living, inspired travel, life, modeling, News & Stuff, ocean, photography, pro surfing, sea glass, surf life, surf travel, surfari, surfing, team betty, travel, Uncategorized, women, women's surfing|

It’s Back to School… but first, Cayden is Baja bound

As regularly as possible my friends and I love to head down the coast into Mexico to score maximal waves with minimal people. That’s usually our story.

10 Years of Betty (and a Bit More!)

By |2021-05-19T20:20:11-07:00August 10th, 2017|active lifestyle, connectedness, conscious consumerism, events, gratitude, life, marketing, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, small business, team betty, transparency and ethics, Ventura|

When the momentum of a wave starts, there’s nothing that can stop its path. And like the unrelenting sea, the Betty Belts wave keeps rolling. Sharing this amazing ride with you is why we keep paddling, keep working, keep dreaming and creating.

It’s been 10 beautiful […]

Why Mermaids Cry

By |2017-07-13T17:03:10-07:00July 11th, 2017|art, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, health + beauty, healthy living, life, Meaningful career, ocean, philantrophy, photography, Products, recycling, sea glass, small business, team betty, transparency and ethics, Uncategorized|

Millions of tons of pollution in oceans and beaches around the globe, endangered costal wildlife, alarming rising temperatures of the Earth and her precious waters… that’s why mermaids cry…

More than just one of our flagship sea glass designs, the

How Betty Team Rider Cayden Keeps So Cool

By |2017-07-11T21:47:32-07:00July 6th, 2017|active lifestyle, health + beauty, healthy living, life, modeling, small business, surf life, surfing, team betty, travel, Ventura, women, women's surfing|

Simple & Easy 3 Ingredient Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

(aka Cayden’s everyday green smoothie for short)

Click to shop Cayden’s thumb ring look, a Hui Hui ring stacked with a […]

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