Handmade with Love for Local Betty Moms

By |2019-05-14T23:23:29-07:00May 7th, 2019|beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b life, connectedness, conscious consumerism, fashion, gratitude, inspired jewelry, life, marketing, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, ocean jewelry, Products, recycling, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, surf style, Uncategorized, Ventura, water jewelry, women, women's fashion, women's jewelry, women's surfing|

She takes care of evvverything, she’s always giving, she’s your Mom & she deserves nothing but beautiful gifts made with genuine love.

That’s why this Mother’s Day Betty partnered with our small business sisters at Exvoto Chocolates & Nature Plus Pigment designs to gift a […]

On The Road With Betty: Japan

By |2019-04-26T20:56:08-07:00April 21st, 2019|active lifestyle, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, bridal jewelry, connectedness, conscious consumerism, fashion, inspired jewelry, inspired travel, life, Meaningful career, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, travel, women's fashion, women's jewelry|

This Spring’s big Betty adventure took Donna back to Japan!

Rich with fine artistry, thoughtful design & innovation, Japanese culture captivated Donna for years, which led to her first visit back in 2018.

Check out highlights from both trips including hunting for sake bottle sea glass in shades of […]

The Nami Wave Story

By |2019-04-26T20:32:49-07:00April 15th, 2019|active lifestyle, Beach Jewlery, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, fashion, inspired jewelry, inspired travel, life, modeling, ocean, ocean jewelry, Products, small business, surf style, surf travel, travel, women, women's fashion, women's jewelry|

Donna’s designer notes on The Nami Wave, a sleek, clean version of the Betty Circle Wave design that’s become a new school Betty fave:

I designed this one after my first trip to Japan and named it “Nami”, which means wave (in Japanese)… it’s a […]

A Bride & Her (Mer)Maids

By |2019-03-12T21:44:47-07:00March 7th, 2019|beach bridal, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, bridal gifts, bridal jewelry, fashion, gratitude, inspired jewelry, ocean, ocean jewelry, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, surf style, Ventura, water jewelry, women, women's fashion, women's jewelry, women's surfing|

Choosing bridesmaids isn’t always easy. Especially for the Bride who plays in the waves every chance she gets, often falls asleep with sand glittering on her toes, and doesn’t ever style her hair to look “beachy” because that’s just the way it always looks from […]

Amethyst Beauty for February Bettys

By |2019-02-21T06:11:47-08:00February 8th, 2019|art, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, conscious consumerism, fashion, health + beauty, inspired jewelry, life, modeling, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, Products, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, surf style, Ventura, water jewelry, women's fashion, women's jewelry|

Give your favorite February girl something that sparkles as much as her smile. Shop our Betty amethyst gemstone collection for glittering birthstone gifts she’ll gush over. Amethyst holds energy that brings peace […]

Making Betty Waves

By |2021-05-19T20:34:29-07:00July 28th, 2015|active lifestyle, beach bridal, Beach Jewlery, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, Betty Strong, connectedness, conscious consumerism, David Pu'u, fashion, inspired jewelry, life, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, ocean, ocean jewelry, surf jewelry, surf life, surf style, surfing, Ventura, water jewelry, wome's jewelry, women's fashion, women's fashion jewelry, women's surf jewelry, women's surfing|

“Waves are a metaphor for the flow of a life. Born in the union of diverse elements, and destined for a shore beyond the far horizon.” – David Pu’u


A wave is birthed when […]

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