Investing in Dreams: Betty Cause Event for Riyah Nails GoFundMe

An artist knows an artist when she meets one. That’s what I saw in Riyah the day she wandered into the Betty Shop back in 2018. We hit it off. That day she […]
An artist knows an artist when she meets one. That’s what I saw in Riyah the day she wandered into the Betty Shop back in 2018. We hit it off. That day she […]
You showed up with love & generosity in your hearts.
Hey there, so glad you checked in… hope you’re finding things to smile about in this strange and stressful moment in time and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
Along […]
Our small team of Betty B. elves are working extra hard to get your gifts from under the sea to under your tree! We’ve extended shop hours as listed below.
We are bringing some of our own special kind of California sunshine your way come November. Just in time to get your early holiday shopping on.
You asked, so we’re making it happen (again)!..
On SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 from 11AM-6PM the Betty custom silkscreen swag shop will be open for biz out front this coming Saturday. The weather is looking so fine, […]
When you open a Betty box, you’re getting much more than “that thing you ordered online”.
One of the Betty Shop Babes hand-picked out the prettiest piece they could find for you, packed it up with care, a […]
Flip through the pages of any Beachcombing Magazine and you’ll find great articles on all things sea glass, shore collecting, coastal living, and ocean inspired accessories or products. We’re amongst the few brick and mortar shops that proudly stock it on our shelves for […]
After our Cause Weekend with Food Forward, we are stoked to report that:
370+ pounds of fresh food was collected, and a grand total of $1002 was raised to support this amazing organization
A massive thank you to all who came to contribute, whether […]
Bettys are a tribe of travelers, and we’re hitting the pop-up shop road with one of our favorite sea loving sisters, Sea Gypsy. Follow our joint adventure through the upcoming sunny seasons, and you’ll find Betty favorites nestled in with their […]