Betty Bucks Refresher
Hey Betty Babes, read on for deets on using your Betty Bucks you earned over the holidays.
Find out how to access your Betty Bank, get those rewards, and redeem them online or in-store for your Betty bonuses.
Hey Betty Babes, read on for deets on using your Betty Bucks you earned over the holidays.
Find out how to access your Betty Bank, get those rewards, and redeem them online or in-store for your Betty bonuses.
Gifting for the holidays can get complicated. Whether it’s forgetting a name on your list, missing an ordering deadline, weird weather stalling deliveries, or WHATEVERRR… we know these things happen– and a Betty gift might not make it in time.
Gifting for someone’s special day can get complicated. Whether it’s forgetting the date & missing an ordering deadline, weird weather stalling deliveries, or WHATEVERRR… we know these things happen– and a Betty gift might not make it in time.
With pumpkin season upon us, the holidays follow soon after. Whoa. I know right?! So we’re giving you the heads up on a super fun thing that’s easy to overlook but will make gifting your fave Ocean Lovers a breeze during the […]
On the sand, street, or dance floor, Betty keeps you glimmering and golden with this hot Betty special all Summer long baby.