Gift Your Ocean Loving Valentine

By |2019-02-18T10:47:52-08:00February 5th, 2019|art, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, conscious consumerism, fashion, giving back, life, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, Products, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, surf life, surf style, Ventura, water jewelry, women's fashion, women's jewelry|

Gift Waves of Love

Celebrate your Valentine with gifts that reflect your love for them & their love for the ocean. The signature ocean […]

How to Love Your Sea Glass

By |2021-06-17T20:49:27-07:00August 15th, 2018|art, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, betty b diy, betty belts at home, betty belts blog, betty diy, ocean jewelry, recycling, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, surf jewelry, water jewelry|

Top Care Tips for Betty Sea Glass Jewelry

Sea glass obsessed? Ya, us too. So here’s are a couple of super helpful tips on the best ways to keep your Betty gems as sparking as the […]

A Seaglass Movie

By |2018-09-15T17:07:06-07:00August 7th, 2018|art, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, connectedness, conscious consumerism, David Pu'u, David Pu'u film, Environmental, fashion, gratitude, inspired travel, life, Meaningful career, ocean, ocean jewelry, Products, recycling, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf travel, transparency and ethics, travel, water jewelry, women's fashion, women's jewelry|

Aloha Ocean Ohana! Sea glass brings smiles and delight to many of your beautiful faces (and fingers) out there…

But have you ever wondered how these colorful beach gems came to be?

This short film, produced and documented by David gives you a deeper insight […]

Betty Style: Cayden on the Gold Coast

By |2019-02-20T18:51:17-08:00February 8th, 2018|active lifestyle, art, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, betty belts blog, conscious consumerism, fashion, health + beauty, inspired travel, life, modeling, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, Products, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, team betty, team betty at home, team betty blog, travel, water jewelry, women, women's surfing|

Team Rider Cayden Edman sparkles with golden sunshine goodness

Earrings: Jeanette […]

Happening In the Hood: Surf Story Artist Exhibition

By |2017-11-07T20:24:20-08:00November 7th, 2017|active lifestyle, art, betty b blog, betty b life, connectedness, conscious consumerism, events, fundraising, gratitude, life, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, ocean, philantrophy, photography, pro surfing, small business, surf life, surf travel, surfing, team betty, Ventura|


Nov. 10, in DOWNTOWN VENTURA at Iron & Resin

You’re invited to an incredible night of SURF ART via the SURF STORY PROJECT

True Value

By |2017-12-14T02:05:11-08:00September 19th, 2017|art, Beach Jewlery, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, healthy living, life, Meaningful career, ocean, ocean jewelry, philantrophy, Products, recycling, sea glass, small business, team betty, transparency and ethics, Uncategorized, Ventura, water jewelry, women|

Me playing mermaid with the  Mermaid Red Carpet Necklace

The community of sea-inspired jewelry lovers is vast, tightly knit, and passionate. Being a part of it through creating Betty designs has brought delight […]

The Evanne: Swirling Secret Beauty

By |2017-09-21T18:41:47-07:00September 5th, 2017|art, Beach Jewlery, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, ocean, ocean jewelry, photography, team betty, Uncategorized, Ventura, water jewelry, women|

Inside the seemingly drab shell of an abalone lies hidden beauty like nothing else in the sea. A notorious ocean prize, abalone shell is treasured for its secret watery world within– and the reason why our own Betty shop babe, Evanne, loves it so much. […]

Why Mermaids Cry

By |2017-07-13T17:03:10-07:00July 11th, 2017|art, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, health + beauty, healthy living, life, Meaningful career, ocean, philantrophy, photography, Products, recycling, sea glass, small business, team betty, transparency and ethics, Uncategorized|

Millions of tons of pollution in oceans and beaches around the globe, endangered costal wildlife, alarming rising temperatures of the Earth and her precious waters… that’s why mermaids cry…

More than just one of our flagship sea glass designs, the

Betty B. Circle of Love

By |2017-05-30T19:44:59-07:00March 7th, 2017|art, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, Environmental, gratitude, life, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, ocean, Products, recycling, sea glass, small business, travel, Uncategorized, Ventura, women|

Bettybelts sea glass rings and stacking rings

A full, magical circle– that’s what’s made when we send a Betty B. ring on an international journey around the world to a far away customer.

From balmy beaches to distant deserts, […]

Feelin’ Fresh in Fall

By |2017-01-16T17:07:00-08:00October 31st, 2016|art, beauty, connectedness, conscious consumerism, events, fashion, life, marketing, News & Stuff, philantrophy, Products, small business, Ventura|

Like the local waters here in Ventura,  a beautiful swell of awesomeness has come and taken our little ocean-inspired biz on a great ride.  
This growing wave of success is all because of you!

The love and […]
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