Hi people, welcome to the Betty Blog.

Blogs are a funny thing. A lot of people hate them because all some people do is talk about things nobody is interested in. So it seems to be quite a challenge to come up with something here to keep you all entertained.

My CPA says I live “the coolest life”. From my perspective it isn’t necessarily so.
But I guess cool is what you make it.

So I had to sit back and reflect on what those words meant.

Is it because I get to travel to exotic places like Bali for my job?

Image hosting by Photobucket Photo copyright Davidpuu.com

Or possibly because of a good life with my man, an absurdly talented photographer, with whom I get to travel to even more exotic places?
Image hosting by PhotobucketDavid and I at the Billabong XXL Awards. Photo copyright Scott Gibson

Image hosting by PhotobucketMe in Cabo. Photo copyright davidpuu.com

Is it because I get to do something I love for a living that keeps me inspired? Namely, running my own company designing and producing accessories that make people feel beautiful and unique?

Or maybe because I love to surf and am lucky enough to get to do it on a regular basis?
Image hosting by Photobucket

Image hosting by Photobucket

Or is it because home is the best place of all?

Image hosting by Photobucket
California Gold Coast. Photo copyright davidpuu.com

Image hosting by PhotobucketSunset glass session at home. Photo copyright Davidpuu.com

I’ll make an educated guess and say it’s all of the above.

Life is what you make it. Always be inspired!
