Thank you to everyone who shopped during our fundraiser for @surfbusfoundation ! We raised $879 all thanks to you! ($1 from each sale donated!)
We love this nonprofit and want to raise more funds for them, so we will do another (longer) one in the new year!

STARTING TODAY! We’re donating $1 from every purchase both online & in-store to the Surf Bus Foundation who provide “Ocean access to ALL”
Donations will count through 12/18/23
Make your holiday gifts go way further than from under the tree– as this amazing organization gives the gift of surfing to the most disadvantaged kids within the inner-city areas of Los Angeles & beyond. $1 does’t seem like a lot these days, but to the youth of this community who benefit and receive the love, healing, and joy of the waves, this small amount from you is truly priceless. Let’s send an Ocean of love and support to these kiddos this holiday who might otherwise never ride a board, and give hope and stoke the next generation.
Donna & Team Betty + Surf Bus Org
We’re truly proud of our partnership with the Surf Bus Foundation through the years. Their dedication to bring hope and stoke to a population of youth that, despite being relatively close to the beach– might not have the resources to go to the shore, much less ever learn to surf. The Surf Bus changes that, and provides a transformative difference to each kid who boards. Click below to learn more about their work & Betty‘s past history of support