In the season of thanks, we’re so grateful to be celebrating this sweet soul all November, Maddy Skaar. At only 14, she’s dancing on waves with mad skills, style and grace– we’re stoked to welcome her as one of our newest Team Betty Surfers! We got the latest, this is what she shared…
“My favorite surfing adventure recently was surfing in the pro division and the 17-19 division at the Queen of the Point at C-street. I had the opportunity to surf up against really strong surfers and it was such a fun experience!”
“”Lately I spend most of my time in the water surfing and trying to better my skills and build up more confidence in order to compete at higher levels. I also really enjoy listen to music and spending time with family and friends.”
“My goals for 2023 are to compete at a higher level of surfing and improve on my style of riding by board. And of course to have fun!
We love you Maddy! Team Betty is full of gratitude for you! Follow Maddy’s adventures @madelyn_skaar