YOU. LOVE. SEA GLASS. Which is why we want you in on the Betty know… our sea glass will sell out. Not forever, but for the holidays. And we don’t mean all of it, just some of it. The craziness of covid caused everything in our small Betty biz to down-size, just so we could to stay afloat– including our inventory.

That means, best-sellers in certain colors & sizes are destined to dwindle from our stock as the days tick down to opening up presents. So here are our top insider tips on what to shop for NOW, so you’re not left in the dust when it’s time check off your Ocean Lovers, Beach Babes & Water Mamas from the list.

Tip #1: Shop Ocean Colors in Popular Collections Pronto

Cool colored Caydens & top fave sea glass styles in blue hues will sell out (especially rings in super common sizes). Think of all the tropical water shades– Light & bright turquoise, seafoam, cobalt blue. If you’re looking for these dreamy colors in our most-loved styles, snag ’em now to avoid snooze & lose syndrome.

Tip #2: Time is Ticking on Classics in Super Rare Shades

Our stock of Classic Betty Rings & Signature Pendants shimmer like a full rainbow right now. But as we get closer to December, people start getting into the spirit, and Santa’s faves in red (or other super rare colors) will disappear from the shop & reappear under twinkling trees. Use our remote personal shopping service to scope our rare ruby-hued beauties from the comfort of your couch & make sure one of them makes it under your own tree.


Tip #3: Embrace the Sea Glass Spectrum

If you don’t end up getting your top color choice, don’t get bummed, get flexible. Fortunately, any choice of sea glass colors we do have in abundance will surely make your mermaid happy. That’s a Betty promise. So check out the sea glass jewels she may already have, and find a complementary color to build up her collection. If your getting a Betty goodie for yourself, stay open-minded & you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much an alternative will be just as loved.