Donna’s designer notes on The Nami Wave, a sleek, clean version of the Betty Circle Wave design that’s become a new school Betty fave:
I designed this one after my first trip to Japan and named it “Nami”, which means wave (in Japanese)… it’s a riff on our OG circle wave design, the idea was to make a petite version for stacking (and a) dainty solo look inspired by Japanese style…
We also made matching earrings and a tiny charm, which is great worn solo or paired up with other charms with one of our many necklace options…

Waves of love, Nami paired with other Betty classic waves the Hui Hui Studs & Skinny Wave Ring
Nami stud earrings featuring Donna’s DvH maker’s mark & solid sterling stamp detail

The Nami Necklace, an easy look that adds a bit a beach charm to your everyday
Travel is always a source of deep inspiration with Betty designs. New sights, smells, and tastes give us a whole new appreciation for our senses while on the road.
Then you return to the familiar faces and pace of daily life in your home town. And everything is the same, but different… different because you’ve changed inside from the enchantment of adventure… The Nami is a nod to this magical feeling. Happy trails!