Dearest Ocean Ohana,
First, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the outpour of concern and warm words of comfort from all who reached out.
We truly feel blessed to have such a strong community of support in the midst of this devastating catastrophe.
Half our staff were evacuated from our homes. But thankfully, they and immediate loved ones are safe, all homes intact, and our Downtown Ventura shop remains in stable condition with exception to reliable power.
With that said, our retail store will remain CLOSED TODAY due to the public safety risk created by the Thomas Fire.
However our online shop continues to be up and running, and orders are being shipped daily. So, please consider ordering online at www.bettybelts.com
Today’s high wind condtions should be the peak of this disastrous fire for Downtown Ventura and surrounding areas. As SCE works it’s way into the fire strike zones, we should be seeing more reliable power returned shortly.
If all goes well, our Ventura shop will re-open on Friday morning. Looking forward to serving all of you, and are so grateful for the kindness we have experienced from the community in this very stressful time.
With Gratitude,
Donna & the Betty Belts Team