We know– it’s hard not to be crazy in love with sterling silver jewelry. Many of us love it so much, we wear it day and night (even sleep in it!).
But rocking it this way can result in one sad thing: tarnish.
It requires mindful loving care to maintain the timeless shimmer and shine of fine sterling. To keep your Betty B. silver treasures beautiful for years and years to come, here’s a few key facts to know about the metal, and some helpful tips on how to love your silver even more.
Sparkling Sterling + Sea Glass Korina Pendant
Tarnish: A Natural Nuisance
Tarnish naturally happens– (even air tarnishes silver!) and unfortunately, it makes silver look dingy or dirty.
Basically, when oxygen or sulfur come in contact with silver they chemically bond to the surface creating a film, causing silver to appear discolored.
Tarnish will happen especially quick when exposed to salty ocean air, humidity (attention beach babes!) and any substance containing sulfur and, or chlorine and hydrogen peroxide — including body and household products (i.e. cleaning sprays or bleach wipes, lotions, fragrance, hair products, etc.)
Shimmering Wave Ring
Top Tips to Prevent Tarnish
To remove and prevent tarnish, regular cleaning, polishing, and proper storage is necessary to keep silver looking shiny and bright.
Here are key tips on keeping your silver sparkling:
- Use a specialized silver polishing cloth (which we sell for only $3) to lovingly clean your jewelry by hand. A soft polishing cloth is perfect for designs with have delicate or fine details, as tarnish is hard to remove from small surfaces and deep grooves.

Bring brilliance back to your silver with a sunshine polishing cloth
- This one is especially tough for you surf Bettys and mermaids, but simply taking off your jewelry before you get into the water, bask on the sand, or dip in the pool is crucial to keeping you silver in sweet shape.
- When not wearing your jewelry, store your special pieces in an airtight place– either a jewelry box or dedicated drawer are great. Although not the most glamorous, plastic bags that seal are the best thing to use. We’ve also discovered this is a great way to keep your jewelry organized and safe while traveling. Come by the shop, and we’ll give you as many as you need, plus a new sticker to add to your collection!
- We have solid storage and travel tins that have all the goods included to keep your jewels safe and organized for our Bettys on the go.
Check out the helpful video below on our Betty YouTube for a simple (and fun!)DIY way to polish for your sterling at home!
- Wearing jewelry while washing your hands is typically fine (even helps keep your silver clean!), as long as you dry your sea glass, pearl and abalone rings or bracelets along with your hands. If your bezel set sea glass jewelry gets submerged for a long period of time, place pieces in a warm, dry, safe place ASAP– and leave them out for a while (try a sunny windowsill). This should thoroughly evaporate any moisture that may have gotten trapped underneath your glass, and deter the chance of mold or tarnish developing underneath. If dark spotting from this develops, your jewelry can be brought (or sent) to the shop for a cleaning and resetting, which has a nominal fee.
Have more silver care questions? Give us a buzz (or text) at 805.648.6997 or, shoot us an email, and we’ll be thrilled to help.
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