The bee is more honoured than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labours for others.” –St. John Chrysostom

To truly live the life of a Betty from the heart, is to practice the daily wisdom that we are One with the Earth, the Ocean, and all living souls– that includes our kindred animal spirits- among them, are bees.

Honey bees face serious survivability today. In our connected world, that means we too may be facing trouble. As in the last blog post, we’ll share another way we infuse Made with Dignity into our community.

The guiding light of Made with Dignity is ultimately compassion moderated with cultural intelligence. The two facets create a wise and intimate connection to our precious blue marble, and all life up on it– even that of the tiniest creature, for she too, is precious.

Local Bee performing her pollinating miracle

In the last decade, bees have endured a state of extreme crisis. In 2005, honey bees started to mysteriously die in alarming numbers from what is now known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). 

With a decade of  research behind it, CCD appears to be  the result of generations of bees inheriting a deficient immune system due to exposure to harmful pesticides, lack of nutritious food from over-harvesting honey for the mass market, and other destructive commercial farming methods.

The impact of such practices leave bees more susceptible to devastating disease, developmentally crippled, and is leading towards apparent dearth of sustainability–as we have a direct dependency on them to pollinate over one-third of the world’s fresh food supply.

Because of human disconnection and misunderstanding, our vital pollinators– who help not only us, but the whole planet grow– are in critical condition, and could now perish without our help.

A portion of Betty B 1% for the Planet membership proceeds now support the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association.


On a local level, they “bring goals of education, awareness, and honeybee preservation to a new level.” This for-purpose organization exists to offer “Learning

[on] how to take care of the Honey Bee, so that she can continue taking care of us.”

A colony is a tribe of sister bees working very hard to keep our flowers, fruit, and their family alive. What they miraculously create within their home hives inspired one of our freshest designs; the Honeycomb— an ode to our sister Betty Bee.

Sweet life statement piece

Betty Bee Honeycomb Ring in sterling

Our hope is that through our Betty Tribe wearing this strong, dedicated symbol, we can bring awareness to the continuing struggle of our sister bee, and spark action towards healing her– for a sweet, healthy life is truly dependent on hers.

Betty Bee Honeycomb Stud Earrings in sterling

Betty Bee Honeycomb Stud Earrings in sterling

Betty Bee Honeycomb Charm Pendant in sterling

Betty Bee Honeycomb Charm Pendant in sterling

Please visit us at our cozy corner boutique in Downtown Ventura to keep the buzz going, and shop in-store for the most current selection of styles and sizes.

Not in town? Order online, and we’ll deliver the sweetness to your doorstep.

With honey love,

Donna & Team Betty