I asked my husband David to cull some of his images for new square format prints I will plan on selling in the shop soon. He got so inspired, he decided to take it three steps further and put together this awesome little video of work he’s done for Betty Belts along with collaborations with our amazing friends, some Glass Beach imagery and his phenonemal water work. You’ll recognize some favorite people and places, near and far, that have been in our life together for more than a decade.
If you see anything you’d like to own on an 8″x8″ printed easy to hang box, screenshot it and send it to me at Seaglass at bettybelts.com and I will add it to our first order. These prints will be signed by David and available at my Ventura shop. Faraway folks can order by phone.
Enjoy while this excursion takes you from Ventura, across California, to Hawai’i, to Bali and even the Maledives with our friend Hannah Mermaid. The clip also features Team Betty surfers Jeanette Ortiz, Asia Mahy Carpenter, Ming Hui Brown, Tiare Thomas, Taylor Bruynzeel modeling and surfing.
– Donna Pu’u

Some of the square format Pu’u prints in the Ventura shop

Glass Beach, Fort Bragg by David Pu’u

Another morning wave by David Pu’u

The Pu’u square canvas prints fit anywhere

Nice David Pu’u quad selection.
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